This is Lisa, Brooke's sister, for those I've not yet met. Blogging is a whole new experience for me, but like so many other things I might have closed my mind to just a few short weeks ago, I am jumping in with abandon. I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support by Brooke's friends and by family members since this terrible event and it has been a great source of strength for all of us.
Brooke had a very good day after feeling low for the past few. We can only just imagine all the thoughts going through his mind. He's needed some encouragement, though, and after a good night's sleep (finally), he woke up asking if he might be able to be wheeled out to see the world outside. He was placed in a cardiac chair, otherwise known as The Cadillac, and carted out to a part of the hospital with great picture windows on either side, surrounded by his team of nurses pulling ventilators and heart monitors. His eyes, always so expressive, were serene as he drank in the beauty of the mountains he loves so well. This kind of story, which 2 weeks ago would have seemed so abstract to me.... someone else's small victory in the face of tragedy.... someone else's story.... has taken on a very new and wonderful meaning.
We hope that soon he will be moved to the intermediate care unit and, from there, to the Rehabilitation Center here. In the meantime, keep praying, sending cosmic energy, rubbing your magic talismen, whatever you do, for Brookie.